Sunday, August 17, 2008

My favorite day so far...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Today has been one of my favorites. I met some more neighbors and they were very nice. They pet me and kept saying that I am a great size. I get that from almost everyone I meet. They can never believe it when my Mom and Dad tell them that I am full grown and that I am 2 years old. At least they are not calling me fat. This morning I got to help my Dad water some plants and later we made lunch. Barking of lunch, I really love to watch my Mom and Dad eat. I show my excitement by sitting at the edge of the table, wag my tail and give them my best face. Mom took me outside and walked me around the house on my leash after lunch. I really like it when my Mom takes me outside. My Dad and I spent a lot of time in the front yard today too. The weather was great so we played ball and took some breaks in the shade. The neighbors across the street visited me again and gave me some treats. When I came inside I tried to lay comfortably on my Mom and Dads bed. The door is usually closed during the day so I was lucky to find it open. I was almost asleep when Mom and Dad came in and told me to get down. I tried to persuade them to let me stay but they were persistent. My dad took a picture of me while I was in the bed. I added the picture to my slide show. Before dinner tonight I got to go back to my favorite store. Mom and Dad bought me a new collar. I liked my old collar but it would stretch and loosen. My new collar is great. I tried it out on another walk tonight. I really enjoy the exercise. My Mom brought water along so that I could get a drink half way through the walk. I was grateful since it was warm out tonight. After the walk I came inside and got some good sleep. I am about to go to bed so I will have to report later on how my favorite bedtime game goes.

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